新关注 > 信息聚合 > 预约用户超200万《九阴真经》手游明日AppStore首发


Subscriber over 200 million "Jiuyin scriptures" tour tomorrow Appstore starting

2015-07-29 12:10:16来源: 不凡游戏网


snail digital's first national level martial arts hand you the Jiuyin scriptures "surrender measured since by many players of the ultra-high expectations, edge of the second test before the opening of the subscriber has exceeded a million mark, the edge of the end of the second test after the subscriber has reached 190 million, with the login Appstore date approaching today," nine cloudy Daoist Scriptures "tour subscriber has exceeded 200 million, at the same time," nine cloudy Daoist Scriptures "tour will be in tomorrow AppStor...

标签: 手游 PS APP