新关注 > 信息聚合 > 模拟经营游戏《比特币的亿万富翁》正式登陆移动..


Business simulation game the bitcoin Billionaires "officially landed mobile..

2015-07-29 12:08:29来源: TechWeb

去年年底,由开发商 Noodlecake 和 FizzPow 联手推出的模拟经营游戏《比特币的亿万富翁 Bitcoin Billionaire》正式登陆移动平台,在经过大半年的酝酿之后,日前,开发商终于宣布将于近期对游戏进行一次版本更新,iOS 版本为 8 月 6 日,安卓版本则将在 8...

last year at the end of the year, simulative running game of launched jointly by the developer Noodlecake and FizzPow the bitcoin billionaire bitcoin billionaire" officially landed mobile platform, after six months of deliberation, recently, the developers finally announced will in the near future of the game was a version of the update, the IOS version for August 6, Android version will be in 8...

标签: 游戏