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《梦想世界》十大电影式副本 最具想象力玩法

A copy of the "dream world" top ten movies the most imaginative play

2015-07-29 11:37:33来源: 电玩巴士

作为国内回合制网游的代表,《梦想世界》不光依靠无门派的职业设定以及多兵器多心法的技能设定对回合制游戏进行了大胆的革新,在玩法上,《梦想世界》也突破桎梏,展现了许多令人眼前一亮的特色——电影副本就是其中之一。 《梦想世界》“群雄逐鹿”正式开启:http://mx.duoyi.com/2...

as a representative of the turn based online games, "dream world" not only rely on free door-to-door in occupational settings and weapon suspicious skills set of turn based game is a bold innovation, in the play, "dream world" also break the shackles, show the in front of a lot of bright characteristics, a copy of the film is one of them. "Dream world": "feudal lords vying for the throne" officially opened http://mx.duoyi.com/2...

标签: 电影