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Forgame出征2015ChinaJoy 多款手游新作首次亮相

Forgame expedition 2015ChinaJoy variety of hand travel new debut

2015-07-29 12:10:16来源: 电玩巴士

2015年7月30日,第十三届高端游戏峰会ChinaJoy将在上海新国际博览中心拉开帷幕。本届ChinaJoy可谓看点颇多,不仅有最亮丽的Showgirl争奇斗艳,各大厂商吸引玩家的特色活动,更受关注的还是各种新鲜手游、页游等产品的首次亮相。 作为国内领先的轻游戏研发商,Forgame...

2015 on July 30, 2002,, the thirteenth session of the high-end gaming summit ChinaJoy will at the Shanghai New International Expo Center kicked off. This ChinaJoy aspect can be described as a lot, not only the most beautiful showgirl contests, the major manufacturers attract internationally characteristic activity, more attention and a variety of fresh hand travel, tours pages products debut. As a leading light game research and development business, Forgame...

标签: 手游 ChinaJoy