新关注 > 信息聚合 > TERA动作RPG手游《TERA:黑暗风暴》首曝


Recently Tera action RPG mobile games the TERA: dark storm "first exposure

2015-07-29 10:26:22来源: 17173

近日,由《TERA》IP制作而成的手游《TERA:黑暗风暴》(暂译,原名Dark Squall)进行了首次曝光,该作是款动作RPG。 据悉,《TERA:黑色风暴》的故事发生在《TERA》之前,与《TERA》的时代有非常明显的差异,可以算是其前传。该作中预计登场10~15个角色,对应坦...

, made of tera IP Tour" Tera: dark storm "(provisional translation, formerly known as dark squall) was the first exposure, the work is a action RPG. It is reported, "Tera: Story of a black storm occurred before the Tera, and Tera era has very obvious differences, can be considered is the prequel. The 10~15 is expected to debut in the role, the corresponding...

标签: 手游