新关注 > 信息聚合 > 途游游戏斩获“金翼奖” 棋牌游戏荣登主流舞台

途游游戏斩获“金翼奖” 棋牌游戏荣登主流舞台

Passers by travel game gains "wings of Gold Award" chess game topped the mainstream stage

2015-07-28 17:30:15来源: 新浪


along with the change of the times, our way of life also changed, in the rhythm of tension in the mobile era, deeply loved the people of chess game also quietly evolution; it evolved more detailed casting a good gaming experience; it evolved more convenient, the fragments of time can be used; it evolved more real, let the spirit of sport electronic sports culture, which contains the. The way the game won this honor, it is not only the individual honor, it is the whole industry...

标签: 游戏