新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《真人快打X》成为本年美国零售销量榜单冠军


The Mortal Kombat "has become this year US retail sales list champion

2015-07-26 01:02:54来源: 逗游网

NPD Group咨询公司目前发布了2015年上半年电子游戏零售销量排行,就排名看来,《真人快打X(Mortal Kombat X)》成为美国今年迄今为止销量最高的游戏,华纳兄弟凭借此取得了巨大成功。华纳兄弟公司旗下的另外两部作品也是榜上有名,即Techland工作室开发的《消逝的光芒(...

NPD group, a consultancy, the current release of the 2015 half retail video game sales ranking, ranking it seems," Mortal Kombat (Mortal Kombat x) x "become the United States this year so far the highest selling game, Warner brothers by like to take this opportunity to make a great success. Warner Brothers, the other two of the work is also the list, that is, Techland Studio development of the "passing of light (...