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育碧全新PC优化技术公布 迎合主流配置

Ubisoft new PC optimization technology announced to cater to the mainstream configuration

2015-07-25 06:27:17来源: 中关村在线

Simplygon联合育碧宣布,育碧接下来的作品,包括《刺客信条》、《彩虹六号》、《孤岛惊魂》等游戏新作将会采用Simplygon 6.0 3D优化技术。 Simplygon方面表示:育碧在环境艺术创造方面有着惊人的实力,然而要将这些美丽的画面在PC上表现出来需要耗费很长的时间,而我...

Simplygon joint Ubisoft announced Ubisoft next works, including "Assassin's Creed", "Rainbow Six", "Crysis" of the new game will use 6.0 Simplygon 3D optimization techniques. Simplygon said Ubisoft in environmental art to create amazing strength. However, these beautiful picture on the PC displays need to spend a long time, and I was...

标签: PC