新关注 > 信息聚合 > 联盟和部落在魔兽电影上映时干起来怎么办?


Alliance and Horde in Warcraft movie theaters do? How to do?

2015-07-24 15:36:35来源: 17173

让无数魔兽粉丝期待已久的《魔兽世界》电影还有不到一年时间就要与我们见面了。然而在此之前,有个非常严峻的问题摆在了我们面前。那就是《魔兽世界》电影上映时,万一联盟和部落在电影院门口干起来怎么办? 这个问题在知乎上抛出来后,不少热心玩家都给出了各自的答案,比如终于可以真刀真枪的干一架啦,...

so many fans look forward to the world of Warcraft world of Warcraft, the movie also has less than a year to meet with us. Before this, however, there is a very serious problem in front of us. That is "world of Warcraft" when the movie is released, in case the alliance and the tribe in the movie theater entrance to do? Their answer to this question know almost tossed out in, many enthusiastic players are given, for example, can finally real swords and spears, a frame,.

标签: 电影