新关注 > 信息聚合 > ChinaJoy:抽丝剥茧,还给玩家最纯粹的游戏体验


ChinaJoy: unraveling, and gave internationally the most pure gaming experience

2015-07-24 11:29:37来源: 4399

今年传得沸沸扬扬的ChinaJoy“2CM”规定实则是“女模胸部必须由不透明、不透视材质全覆盖”。不知道宅男们是不是又看到希望了?不过抛开“美女、卖肉”话题,游戏展会的核心应该是游戏,美女的存在只能是绿叶来衬托游戏。 纵观ChinaJoy的发展,是在不断的丰富游戏品类、不断的紧跟时代、...

this year, the uproar of the ChinaJoy "2cm" provisions are actually nvmo chest must be made of opaque, ray material covering the whole ". Don't know otaku is not see hope? But put aside the topic of "the beautiful, the butcher, the core of the game show should is a game that beauty exists only leaves the game. Throughout the development of the ChinaJoy, is in the continuous rich game category, constantly keep up with the times,...