新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新版上线 光荣PC《大航海时代5》今日公测

新版上线 光荣PC《大航海时代5》今日公测

On-line version of the glorious PC in the age of sail 5 "produced by the Japanese honorable genuine beta today

2015-07-23 14:19:16来源: 07073游戏网

由日本光荣正版出品的《大航海时代5》今日展开公测!与此同时全新版本“横渡星海之船”也同步上线。PC完整版《大航海时代5》拥有超流畅的操作体验与原生的设计,令其拥有手游版所无法企及的乐趣。适逢公测,就来看看这款令人等待了15年的新作有哪些厉害之处,并且新版的全新航海士也一拳公开! 【十年...

the" age of sail 5 "today to start beta! At the same time a new version of cross the Xinghai ship" also synchronized on-line. PC complete version of the age of sail 5 "with super smooth operating experience with the original design, so that it has a hand travel edition are beyond the reach of the fun. Coincides with the beta, to look at this is waiting for the 15 years of new what terrible place, and a new version of the new Navigator also blow open. Ten years...

标签: PC