新关注 > 信息聚合 > cf暑期充值送送送 充值CF点获得刮刮卡

cf暑期充值送送送 充值CF点获得刮刮卡

CF summer recharge sent send recharge CF for scratch cards

2015-07-22 15:16:40来源: 电玩巴士

暑期充值送送送活动上线,凡是在活动页面充值CF点的玩家皆可获得刮刮卡奖励,每使用一张刮刮卡会获得一定刮刮积分,使用刮刮积分可以必中该道具。 : CF活动 活动时间:2015.7.10-7.31 活动地址:http://act.daoju.qq.com/cf/a20150629s...

summer recharge to send to send to send the activity on the line, usually in the event page CF point recharge players can get reward scratch cards, each using a scratch card points get a scratch, with scratch integral can will the props. CF activity time: 2015.7.10-7.31 activity address: http://act.daoju.qq.com/cf/a20150629s...

标签: CF