新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《龙之谷》五周年奖励首曝 +10武器免费送

《龙之谷》五周年奖励首曝 +10武器免费送

"Dragon Valley" of the fifth anniversary of the reward first exposure + 10 weapon free to send

2015-07-22 02:09:34来源: 17173

随着7月23日新版本的临近,正值五周年生日的《龙之谷》也推出了一系列纪念活动,庆祝五周岁生日的同时,也是为了回馈一直以来相伴相随的谷迷,而其中最受玩家们关注的,便是官方不久前推出的五周年限定稀有道具兑换活动。 玩家可以通过在游戏中获得积分,在官网页面上兑换道具,获取积分的方式也是多种...

with the July 23, the new version of the approaching, coincided with the fifth anniversary of the birthday of the "Dragon Valley" also launched a a series of commemorative activities, to celebrate the birthday. At the same time, but also to feedback has been accompanied by accompanying Valley fans, and one of the most popular players are concerned with is official recently launched five anniversary limited rare item exchange activities. Players can get points in the game, the official website on the exchange of props, the way to obtain the integral is a variety of ways...

标签: 龙之谷