新关注 > 信息聚合 > 洗脑停不下来 《剑网3》爆笑网剧“江湖论贱”

洗脑停不下来 《剑网3》爆笑网剧“江湖论贱”

Brainwash can not stop "Jian Wang 3" hilarious drama "rivers and lakes on the cheap", "Jian Wang 3" currently much attention network series of play as

2015-07-18 11:02:42来源: 17173

作为《剑网3》当前备受关注的系列网剧之一,《江湖论贱》由有爱玩家组成的资深团队思慕刻Studio 出品,剧情贴近玩家的日常游戏生活,紧跟流行元素,是剑侠迷必看的爆笑神剧!其中最新更新的第四集《茶馆四狼》讲述了4个江湖小人物的精彩经历,一起先睹为快吧! 茶馆四狼海报 《茶馆四狼》剧组...

, "rivers and lakes on the base, the players love is composed of senior team yearned moment studio produced, plot close to the player's Game Daily life, followed by pop elements, is Jianxia fans must see the hilarious oratorio! Which is the latest update of the fourth set "teahouse four wolves" tells the story of four river lake small figures of the wonderful experience, preview it together! Teahouse four wolf POSTER "teahouse four wolf" crew...