新关注 > 信息聚合 > IG状态起伏不定能否振作 EDG王者复苏气势如虹

IG状态起伏不定能否振作 EDG王者复苏气势如虹

Ig fluctuating state can cheer EDG King recovery momentum rainbow bus

2015-07-18 13:09:12来源: 巴士LOL

7月18日晚19:00到21:00将进行IG vs EDG的比赛。目前IG战队以5胜3平4负总计18分的成绩位居LPL夏季赛常规赛第六名,而EDG则以6胜6平2负总计24分与QG战队并列常规赛第一。在上周结束的德玛西亚杯中,EDG战队以碾压的态势豪取北京站冠军,而IG战队则在一场激烈的B...

7 month 18 days late 19:00 to 21:00 will Ig vs EDG's game. Current IG team with 5 wins and 3 draws a total of 18 points of the results of the 4 points in the LPL summer tournament sixth, while the EDG is 6 wins and 6 draws a total of 24 points and QG team tied for the regular season. At the end of last week's de Marcia cup, the EDG team to roll the trend of the high B, while the IG team in a fierce battle...