新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网游《武魂2》WE联赛首个冠军今日诞生


Online games "Wuhun 2" we first league championship was born today leads of

2015-07-17 16:26:36来源: 新浪

导语:酷暑来临,然而《武魂2》的玩家们并没有因为天气的炎热而降低半分热情,7月18日杭州,《武魂2》WE联赛总决赛正式打响,两大组别四强战队分别来到现场进行巅峰的较量,争夺至高荣誉以及24万现金大奖。 除了即将带来的一场精彩纷呈的实力对抗外,《武魂2》WE联赛总决赛现场还有八大重磅看...

: summer, however the Wuhun 2 players and not because of hot weather and reduced enthusiasm, July 18, Hangzhou, "Wuhun 2" we League finals officially started, two groups of four teams were to field peak contest, to compete for the highest honor and 24 million in cash awards. In addition to bring about a brilliant strength against, the Wuhun 2 "we League finals site and eight pounds...

标签: 网游