新关注 > 信息聚合 > 别样庆生一周年 《魔力宝贝》玩家创造特别剧情

别样庆生一周年 《魔力宝贝》玩家创造特别剧情

Different kind of birthday anniversary "Charm Treasure" players create special plot

2015-07-17 11:30:19来源: 不凡游戏网

别样庆生一周年 《魔力宝贝》玩家创造特别剧情 最近朋友圈又疯狂刷屏,一部国民时期断背电影遭影迷朋友集体炮轰,吐槽编剧随意篡改原著剧情。与其讨论别人家的故事,不如自己也来过一回编剧瘾吧!史克威尔艾尼克斯唯一正版授权手游《魔力宝贝》为玩家提供独立创作平台,“玩家故事”环节让你独有的经历成...

otherwise birthday anniversary of "Charm Treasure" players to create special story recently circle of friends and crazy scraper, a national period Brokeback being friends and fans collective shelling Tucao writers tampering with the original story. Instead of talking about other people's stories, as she had been to a screenwriter addiction. Square Enix only genuine authorized tour "Charm Treasure" for the players to provide independent creation platform, "player stories link makes you unique experience.

标签: 玩家