新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人体芯片有望面世 具有损伤自动修复系统

人体芯片有望面世 具有损伤自动修复系统

Human chip is expected to be available with injury of the automatic repair system

2015-07-16 14:53:57来源: 中关村在线

据外媒Ubergizmo报道,人们都想像金刚狼一样拥有自我治愈能力,为此,美国的科研人员想出了一个新办法。 人体芯片有望面世 具有损伤自动修复系统(图片来自Ubergizmo) 据悉,美国国防部高级研究计划局(DARPA)收到了7890万美元的赞助资金,计划利用人体系统开发出一个微...

according to foreign media UberGizmo reported, people imagined that Wolverine has self healing abilities. Therefore, U. S. researchers came up with a new idea. Human chip is expected to be available with automatic damage repair system (picture from UberGizmo) is reported, the U. S. Department of Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) received a $789 million in sponsorship money and plans to use human body system developed out of a micro...