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《恋爱复仇战》官网开启 公开商品与内容介绍

The love revenge "opened the official website for public goods and the content of the

2015-07-16 11:36:21来源: 电玩巴士

TGL预定于10月29日发售的PSV美少女恋爱游戏《恋爱复仇战》(恋爱リベンジ)日前正式开启了游戏的官方网站,公开商品情报与详细游戏介绍。 本作是2014年发售的同名PC游戏的移植版。主角为了克服心酸的恋爱历史来一次复仇之战,要在推行恋爱推进条例的都市“恋爱指定都市”中和同伴们跨越种...

TGL scheduled on October 29, offering the PSV is a beautiful girl of the love game" love revenge "(love leak Vespa, Ji) recently officially opened the game's official website, public goods and information and detailed game. This is the 2014 sale of the same name of the game of the same name PC. Lead to overcome sad love history a war of revenge, in implementation of love to promote regulation of urban "love designated city" and companions across species...