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Picture does not lose next generation uncharted collection "new screenshots Sina

2015-07-16 10:49:33来源: 新浪

虽然顽皮狗近期的核心任务是《神秘海域4:盗贼末路》,但前段时间宣布的《神秘海域:内森·德雷克合集》同样需要宣传。不久前索尼欧洲区就为我们放出了5张《神秘海域:内森·德雷克合集》的游戏图片,一起来看看吧。 《神秘海域:内森·德雷克合集》将包括此前发布的三款游戏,分别是《神秘海域:德雷克...

although naughty dog near future core mission is the mysterious waters 4: thieves dead end", but some time ago announced the uncharted: Nathan Drake collection "also need publicity. Not long ago SONY Europe area for us to release 5 of the mysterious sea: Nathan Drake collection of the game, a look at it. "Mysterious waters: Nathan Drake collection" will include the previously released three games, namely, the "mysterious waters: Drake...