新关注 > 信息聚合 > 悲观和谨慎蔓延:中小手游团队将最后一搏


Pessimistic and carefully spread: small swim team will last stroke

2015-07-16 13:12:57来源: 17173

现如今,“招聘比以前状况好了不少”,某上市公司高管这么评价被创业潮搅乱的人力市场,招聘变容易的原因显而易见:大量手游创业者正在经历残酷的失败潮,他们正在用各种新的身份回流到大公司体系。 国内手游市场的变化,正如近期的国内A股的走势,一轮暴涨之后必然会迎来一轮暴跌,淘汰掉的是风险资本杠...

now, "recruitment than before the situation is a lot of good", a listed company executives so evaluation of start-up surge upset labor market, recruitment change easy for obvious reasons: a lot of hand travel entrepreneurs is after cruelly failed tide. They are with various new identity return to big company system. Domestic hand travel market changes, as the recent trend of domestic A shares, after a round of inflation is bound to usher in a slump, out of the venture capital...

标签: 手游