新关注 > 信息聚合 > “高阳公主”米露代言星辰变2 演绎天网杀手

“高阳公主”米露代言星辰变2 演绎天网杀手

"Princess Gao Yang" rice distillate endorsement stars goes on 15 2 deductive Skynet killer

2015-07-15 23:28:36来源: 17173

7月15日,国风修真战斗网游《星辰变2》官方正式宣布,新生代女演员米露成为其游戏代言人。据悉,这也是米露首次代言大型端游,当“高阳公主”穿越到经典修真世界,又将擦出怎样的唯美火花? 官网专题上线 代言人正式曝光 自《星辰变2》开启修真封测以来,玩家们关于游戏代言人的猜想就从未停止。...

7 month, the country breeze fixs true fighting game "stars goes 2" officially announced that new generation actress rice distillate become the game spokesman. It is reported that this is rice distillate first endorsement of the large end of the tour, when the "Princess Gao Yang" across the classic comprehension of the world, and wipe out the spark of what kind of aesthetic? Official website of special on-line spokesperson formal exposure since "stars goes 2" open beta Xiuzhen, players spokesperson for the game to guess has never stopped. ...