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电梯逃生通关攻略 Elevator Escape视频攻略

Elevator to escape clearance Raiders escape elevator video Raiders

2015-07-15 21:24:24来源: 4399

小编今天给大家带来电梯逃生通关攻略,想知道电梯逃生是如何过关的吗,那就跟北岸一起开看看。 ▍游戏简介 《电梯逃生 Elevator Escape》是一款密室逃脱类的益智游戏。在游戏中玩家乘坐莫名的电梯来到一间奇怪的房间,你必须发挥你的观察力寻找隐藏的物品,挖掘蛛丝马迹找寻出去的道路...

Xiaobian today for everyone to bring the elevator to escape clearance Raiders, to know that the elevator to escape is how to pass the?, it with the north shore together and open to see. Man game "Elevator Escape" elevator escape is a kind of puzzle game room escape. In the game players to ride the elevator inexplicable came to a strange room, you must display your powers of observation and find hidden items and clues to find out the path mining...

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