新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《梦幻西游无双版》爆游戏内测图 引发玩家热烈反响

《梦幻西游无双版》爆游戏内测图 引发玩家热烈反响

"Dream swims on the West unique version of" burst online gaming figure caused players responded enthusiastically

2015-07-15 19:23:03来源: 4399

随着近期最新一波内测游戏截图的曝光,《梦幻西游无双版》再次引起了众多玩家的关注与热议,一起与4399挽歌一起来看看相关资讯吧! 进入炎夏,《梦幻西游无双版》的脚步也在不断临近之中,刚刚结束网易内部测试的它又爆出了一组全新的游戏截图,引来了玩家的无限期待。无论是业内人士还是玩家,都渴望看...

with recently the latest wave of online game screenshots of the exposure, "dream swims on the West unique version of" has once again aroused the numerous players concern and hot, together with 4399 elegy together see related information! Into the summer, "dream swims on the West unique version of" footsteps also in approaching them, the just concluded Netease in-house testing it and broke a new set of screenshots, draw the player's infinite expectation. Whether the industry or players, are eager to see...