新关注 > 信息聚合 > 向兆松、张海立将在CGDC移动社交专场上发表演讲


Xiang Zhaosong Zhang Haili will on CGDC mobile social special: speech Sina

2015-07-15 13:05:00来源: 新浪

2015年中国游戏开发者大会(CGDC)将于7月30日至31日在与上海新国际博览中心相邻的浦东嘉里大酒店召开,届时国内外知名游戏研究机构、专家将在CGDC上针对游戏策划、制作、研发等诸多技术环节进行分享和演讲。 据悉,近北京乐动卓越科技有限公司联合创始人向兆松和英特尔亚太研发有限公司...

2015 China Game Developers Conference (CGDC) will be on July 30 to 31 in the adjacent to the Shanghai New International Expo Center Kerry Hotel Pudong held, when domestic and foreign well-known game research institutions and experts will be on CGDC in game planning, production, research and development and so on many technical aspects of sharing and speech. It is reported that the recent Beijing Music Technology Co., Ltd., Xiang Zhaosong, co founder of the Asia-Pacific Research and Development Ltd...

标签: 社交