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三里屯优衣库《大战神》模特实拍 有图有视频

The shame of the topic, don't understand it He Heda Sanlitun UNIQLO "ares" model reality pats the pictures and the video

2015-07-15 12:15:03来源: 电玩巴士

昨晚优衣库霸占了朋友圈,那些羞羞的话题小编才不懂呢(呵呵哒)。如小编一样的纯情少年只知道优衣库卖场门口被五位爱情天使霸占了!不光被霸占,还有礼物跟福利相送哦! 昨日(7月14日)在北京三里屯优衣库卖场下方,五位身背天使之翼的少女邀路人合照并发放福利,场面极度火爆引得众人频频围观拍照。...

last night, UNIQLO occupy the circle of friends. Xiaobian like the innocent young only know UNIQLO store entrance was five love angel occupied. Not only was occupied, and gifts and benefits you bask Oh! Yesterday (July 14) at the bottom of the Sanlitun UNIQLO stores in Beijing, five of them back to the angel wings girl invited passers-by synthetic photos and payment of benefits scenes of extreme hot attracted people frequently photographed onlookers. ...

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