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忽悠技术哪家强 盘点那些年索尼画过的大饼

Flicker technology which strong inventory of those years Sony painted pie

2015-07-15 11:38:25来源: 新浪

刚结束不久的E3 2015游戏大展可谓精彩纷呈,特别是三家硬件公司纷纷拿出了看家本领来吸引玩家,总结就是一句话:“微软秀技术,老任卖玩具,索尼画大饼”,回顾索尼E3十年,从十年前那个差点让地球爆炸的PS3 2005发布会到今年主打情怀的2015发布会,索尼用一个又一个的大饼把玩家忽悠的高...

just ended near E3 2015 game exhibition can be described as brilliant, especially three hardware companies have come up with the housekeeping skills to attract players, summed up in one sentence: "Microsoft technology show, the old selling toys, Sony draw pie", review of ten years Sony E3, from ten years ago that almost make the PS3 with the explosion of the earth 2005 conference to the main feelings of this year 2015 conference, Sony with a pie to flicker players of high...

标签: 索尼