新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015ChinaJoy第一波人气模特大曝光 快围观

2015ChinaJoy第一波人气模特大曝光 快围观

2015ChinaJoy the first wave of popular models exposed to the

2015-07-14 20:22:47来源: 4399

让玩家、厂商、媒体苦苦等待了一年的ChinaJoy马上就要举行了。今年在主委会“2cm”的规定下的ShowGirl又会有怎样精彩的表现呢?跟着小编一起抢先看。 2015年,完美世界除了给玩家带来娱乐体验的同时,还将精挑细选的模特,在现场与游戏玩家亲密接触。 2015年ChinaJoy...

to let players, manufacturers, media hard to wait for a year's ChinaJoy will be held soon. This year the committee "2cm" under the provisions of the ShowGirl and what will be the wonderful performance? Xiaobian together to see. 2015, the perfect world, in addition to the players to bring entertainment experience, but also will be a fine selection of models, in close contact with the game players. 2015 ChinaJoy...

标签: ChinaJoy