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斗鱼杯DOTA2邀请赛专题报道 每日13点直播

Betta cup dota2 invite tournament thematic reports daily 13:00 live

2015-07-14 16:24:45来源: 游戏港口

编者按:本次斗鱼杯Dota2邀请赛共吸引到八支国内一线战队参与,赛事分为积分排位赛以及双败赛两阶段进行,7月10日至16日进行首轮BO2积分排位赛,积分排位赛优胜队伍进入胜者组,落败队伍自动进入败者组;7月17日至22日进行BO3双败赛,整个赛事为期12天。 TI5前最后一场Dota...

editor in the betta cup dota2 tournament attracted to eight domestic first-line team participation, tournament two integral qualifying match and double defeat match two stages of, July 10 to 16 were first Bo2 integral qualifying, integral qualifying match winning teams entered the winner group, defeated team automatically enter the group of losers; July 17 to 22 BO3 double defeat tournament. The tournament for a period of 12 days. TI5 before the last Dota...

标签: 直播 DOTA