新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游手游全门派称谓 123级门派称谓一览

梦幻西游手游全门派称谓 123级门派称谓一览

Fantasy Westward Journey tour whole martial art appellation 123 martial title list

2015-07-14 15:24:28来源: 4399

相信很多玩家都已经知道么梦幻西游手游新出了一个门派称谓系统。目前最高的门派称谓等级是3级。那么梦幻西游手游各门派的123级称谓分别是什么呢?今天4399挽歌就为大家带来梦幻西游手游门派称谓分别需要的门派贡献数据,希望对大家有帮助~ 1级称谓领取条件:等级≥30 门派贡献度≥60 2级...

believe a lot of players already know you Fantasy Westward Journey tour new a door-to-door appellation system. At present the highest level of martial appellation is 3. What are the various sects Mobile Games Fantasy Westward Journey 123 title? Today 4399 elegy is for everyone to bring Fantasy Westward Journey tour martial names respectively martial art with data, hope all of you help ~ level 1 Title collection conditions: rating equal to or larger than 30 martial art with degree greater than or equal to 60 grade 2.

标签: 手游 梦幻西游