新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《梦幻西游》手游最强宝宝选择及打书攻略


"Dream swims on the west" tour the strongest baby selection and hit the book captures the

2015-07-14 12:31:05来源: TechWeb

梦幻西游手游最强宝宝选择及打书攻略详解,梦幻西游宝宝养成是我们提高战力的关键,如何获得极品宝宝呢?这时候宠物的选择和宝宝打书就是非常重要的了,下面就和大家分享下这方面的心得。 一、宝宝选择 要想打造最强宝宝,选宠是第一步,那么哪些宠物值得培养呢? 1、选不选变异宝宝 众所周知,变...

Fantasy Westward Journey, tour the strongest baby choice and captures the book detailed, Fantasy Westward Journey, the baby to develop is the key for us to improve the combat capability, how to obtain the best baby it? At this time, the choice of pets and children playing books is very important, the following will share with you the experience in this area. One, the baby choose to build the strongest baby, the first step is the selection of pet, so what are the pet is worth cultivating, 1, the choice of the selection of the variant is known to the baby, change...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游