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任天堂岩田聪去世 那些年我们玩过的红白机游戏

Nintendo's Iwata died in those years recently we played NES games

2015-07-14 12:28:07来源: 东北网

近日,任天堂社长岩田聪因胆管肿瘤去世,享年55岁。任天堂是电子游戏业三巨头之一,也是全球最大的电玩游戏机制造商。那些红白机经典游戏,陪伴我们一路走来,让童年增添了不少的乐趣。 7月13日,任天堂公司发布消息称,其社长岩田聪因胆管肿瘤于11日凌晨去世,享年55岁。岩田聪的葬礼及告别仪式...

, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata died because of bile duct cancer, at the age of 55. Nintendo is one of the top three video game industry, is also the world's largest video game maker. The NES classic game, accompany us along the way, let the childhood to add a lot of fun. July 13th, the Nintendo Co announced that its president Iwata So due to bile duct cancer in the early morning of the 11, died, aged 55. Iwata So's funeral and farewell ceremony...

标签: 游戏 任天堂