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完美闯关 《魔范学院》带你变身霸气女王

Perfect checkpoints "magic school van" take you turned domineering queen

2015-07-14 11:18:34来源: 不凡游戏网

完美闯关 《魔范学院》带你变身霸气女王 范冰冰作为红毯女王,每次走上红毯都会给人带来惊艳。而在今年的的Met Ball和戛纳红毯上,范冰冰更是将霸气女王的气质演绎的淋漓尽致。 在素来就有“时尚奥斯卡”之称Met Ball上,范冰冰可谓是将整个“紫禁城”都披在了身上,既凸显主题,又...

perfect checkpoints "magic fan College" take you turned domineering queen Fan Bingbing as a red carpet queen, every time go on red carpet will bring amazing. In the Met Ball and the red carpet in Cannes this year, Fan Bingbing is the queen of the most incisive interpretation of temperament. In the ever "fashion Oscar", said Ball Met, Fan Bingbing can be described as the whole "Forbidden City" is put on the body, both highlight the theme, and...