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经典武侠精彩奇遇 《铁血武林》奇遇大侠事半功倍

Classic martial arts Great Adventures "jagged Wulin" adventure heroes get twice the result with half the effort

2015-07-14 13:50:45来源: 电玩巴士

武侠故事之所以精彩,只因主角们各有各的人生“奇遇”。令狐冲因偶遇风清扬而习得“独孤九剑”,剑技突飞猛进;段誉跌落山洞,爱上了尊石头像,扣头换来了凌波微步和化功大法,达成100%闪避! 史上最具情怀武侠手游《铁血武林》技术封测火爆进行中,首创文字+数据武学特色玩法,千种武学放置式修炼,...

martial arts story reason why brilliant, only because the protagonists each have each life "adventure". Linghu Chong because encounter Feng Qingyang and acquisition "Dugu nine Swords", sword technology by leaps and bounds; Duan Yu drop into a cave, fell in love with the statue of stone head, discount in exchange for the lingboweibu and VaR Dafa to achieve 100% dodge! History most feelings martial arts hand you the jagged Wulin "technical beta fire burst in, first text + data Wu school characteristics of play, thousands of Wu learn place practice,...