新关注 > 信息聚合 > 你的手速够快吗?《下山》致敬经典街机


Your hand speed fast enough? "Down" to pay tribute to the classic arcade

2015-07-14 10:53:00来源: 4399

有趣的游戏往往不需要复杂的画面和玩法,一样可以虏获玩家的心。略显虐心的手游《下山》(Down The Mountain)便是这样一款游戏,据悉,该作品玩法致敬的是1982年推出的经典街机游戏《Q*bert》。 首先,若烟小编不得不说的是这款游戏的画面十分清丽明亮,给人一种很舒服的感觉,...

interesting games often do not need complex graphics and gameplay, the same can be captured by the player's heart. Slightly child heart Tour "down" (down the mountain was such a game, it is reported, to pay tribute to the works play is in 1982 with the introduction of the classic arcade game "Q*bert". First of all, if the smoke Xiaobian have to say that the game screen is very bright and beautiful, give a person a kind of comfortable feeling,...