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九阳神功将登陆XBOX平台 独占武者首度揭秘

Jiuyang fascinating skills around will be landing in the Xbox platform exclusive martial first secret

2015-07-14 10:02:38来源: 17173

全平台3D武侠MOBA《九阳神功》7月底将参展2015年第十三届ChinaJoy,值得关注的是《九阳神功》将与微软再度于会上相逢,共同宣布Xbox One平台《九阳神功》的上线时间。早前Xbox One玩家对《九阳神功》的版本作出了诸多猜想,表达了各位焦急的期待。今日江湖密探包晓生提前带...

whole platform 3D martial arts MoBa "Jiuyang fascinating skills around" by the end of July will be exhibiting 2015 the thirteenth session of the ChinaJoy, worthy of attention is the "Nine Yang magic" will with Microsoft again to meet, jointly announced the Xbox one platform "Nine Yang magic," the on-line time. Xbox One game player "on earlier versions of" nine mans power has made a lot of conjecture, you anxious expression. Spy Bao Xiaosheng ahead with arena today...

标签: Xbox