新关注 > 信息聚合 > 丑萌僵尸来袭《奔跑吧僵尸》暴打正当时


Ugly Meng zombie struck the run it beaten corpse "is the time

2015-07-13 17:53:18来源: 4399

这是一个卖萌的世界,无论老少、无论臭美、无论高矮都喜欢卖个小萌。就连僵尸也要来插上一脚,这画面太美我不敢看!《奔跑吧僵尸》已来袭,三伏天出不了门?那就在家里打僵尸吧! 丑萌僵尸出动 多型多款你爱谁 暗夜降临,丑萌丑萌的僵尸又要出动。美式漫画风的画面,总是带着浓浓的滑稽感。不论你是行走...

this is a world of sell sprout, regardless of, old and young, both smug, regardless of height and would like to sell a small sprout. On even the zombie also to disrupt, this picture is so beautiful I can't see! The run! Zombies have been struck, the dog days not door? It at home to fight the zombies! Ugly Meng zombie dispatched a variety of who you love night has fallen, ugly ugly Meng Meng zombie but also dispatched. American comic style, always with a sense of humor. No matter you are walking...