新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《太阁立志2》36级主线任务打法技巧


The taikou 2 36 main task play skills

2015-07-13 17:21:17来源: 07073游戏网

有很多人都应该会卡在这个“深埋的父爱”主线任务上,其实这个NPC需要一些技巧才能过,而且同时也看RP。 第一步:需要学习生活技能和流派技能。 生活技能,医术是很重要的一个技能,在太阁2里面生命除了装备外,属性点都不增加生命点,所以医术是个增强生存能力的途径。由于金钱的原因,建议就...

has a lot of people should get stuck in the "depth of father's love." the main task, in fact, the NPC need some skills to, and at the same time, RP. The first step: the need to learn the life skills and genre skills. Life skills, skills are very important a skill, in Taiko 2 life in addition to the equipment, attribute points don't increase life, so the medicine is the enhanced ability to survive. Because of money, it is recommended...