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颤地者加入 炉石传说官推环牧卡组分享

Fibrillation joined the hearthstone, thrust ring and animal husbandry card group share the pastor of the

2015-07-13 16:57:33来源: 4399

牧师早已没有当年的风采,在国服的表现仅高于萨满,不过上周的炉石传说乱斗模式中也算出了些风头,但总体来说也是属于应该被关照的职业。这套牧师是传统环牧的改版。 前期依靠死亡领主护住脸,中期依靠4费的最强扫场组合获得场面优势,然后6费开始陆续拍出一些难对付的随从。套牌选择随从很有意思,不光防...

had no elegance of the year, the service in the country just above the shaman, but last week the hearthstone melee mode also calculates the limelight, but overall also belong to should be care professional. The priest is the traditional ring of pastoral revision. Early rely on the death of the Lord to protect the face, the most difficult to rely on a combination of 4 fee fee to get the scene advantage, and then the 6 began to take a number of difficult to deal with. After deck selection is very interesting, not only to prevent...

标签: 炉石传说