新关注 > 信息聚合 > 赛尔号雷神崛起人物技能释放技巧 划屏战斗

赛尔号雷神崛起人物技能释放技巧 划屏战斗

The Saier number Thor rise character skills release technique to draw in the game screen fighting

2015-07-13 16:52:26来源: 4399

在游戏中,我们是通过划动屏幕来触发人物攻击的。角色随着成长会开启新的技能,那么该如何在赛尔号雷神崛起中释放技能呢?跟随小编来了解一下吧! 在游戏中,人物的技能需要划屏释放,如下图所示,不同的技能有不同的划动方法。游戏中已经给大家示意了划动的方向,只需要跟随箭头划动就可以释放技能了!快去...

, we by swiping the screen to trigger the character attacks. Role with growth will open new skills, then the how the rise of CERNET, Thor release skills?? follow Xiaobian to know about it. In the game, the character's skills are needed to draw the screen release, as shown in the figure below, different skills have different methods of paddling. Already in the game for everyone of the paddling direction, just follow the arrow paddling can release skills go...