新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暗黑手游《伏魔者》IOS越狱版强势上线


Dark hand travel "demon" version of IOS jailbreak strong on-line

2015-07-13 17:27:38来源: 4399

IOS用户们请注意请注意请注意(重要的事情要说三遍)!人气暗黑手游《伏魔者》IOS越狱版强势上线了!不用再羡慕安卓用户能够下载《伏魔者》了,现在就一起来下载吧! 伏魔者【安卓版下载】 人气暗黑手游《伏魔者》,已经在安卓平台火热首发,玩家的热情根本挡不住平台的阻隔,《伏魔者》手游IOS...

IOS users please note please note: please pay attention to the important things to say three times). The popularity of "IOS" Mobile Games dark demon who jailbreak strong on the line! Don't envy Android users can download "demon who", now come to download it! Demon who [Android version download] popularity dark hand travel "demon" has in the Android platform, starting the fiery, passionate players did not stop the platform barrier, "demon" tour IOS.

标签: 手游 iOS