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逆势而上 《有杀气童话》冲入iOS畅销前十

Contrarian and the murderous fairytale rushed into the IOS selling top ten

2015-07-13 15:53:00来源: 4399

网易有杀气童话自7月10安卓开测之后,带动了IOS平台逆势前行!终于实现了实现iPhone、iPad付费榜双榜第一,目前更进入了畅销榜前十,华丽转身成为今夏暑期档最火的手游之一。 上线两周逆势上行:勇闯畅销前十 很多手游上线后火了一两天就会热度退减,在各大榜单上“见光死”,相比起来,...

Netease murderous fairy tale since July 10 Android open test, drive the IOS platform contrarian move on! Finally realized the iPhone, iPad pay double standings list first, now more into the top ten best-selling list, gorgeous turn to become one of the most popular summer summer travel documents. Launched two weeks contrarian uplink: Rebel selling many top ten travel on-line after fire in just a day or two heat less, in each big list "death" to see the light and compared,...

标签: iOS