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破凡人修仙之极限 《仙魂》IOS正版即将震撼发布

Limit of broken mortal Xiuxian "immortal soul" IOS edition will shock released

2015-07-13 14:00:24来源: 不凡游戏网

“我师自长留,一心修仙,我白子画平生所愿,扶正道不衰,守长留永兴,护八方安宁。”白子画上仙这正义凛然的誓言,想必已经打动了万千仙友!2015年度大型修仙玄幻ARPG手游大作——《仙魂HD》IOS正版即将于下周震撼上线!致广大仙友,修仙一途,你有责任护天下安定! 【为精品跳票,IOS正...

"my teacher since long stay, one heart Xiuxian, I draw an albino lifetime wish. Fuzheng does not fade, keep long Liu Yongxing and support peace." Albinopainting on Xian zhengyilinran this oath, must have touched thousands of xianyou! The 2015 annual large-scale cultivation Masterpiece -- fantasy ARPG Mobile Games "Xian" soul HD IOS genuine shock on the line next week! One way to our Xianyou, cultivation, you are responsible for protecting the world peace! [fine bouncing, IOS...

标签: iOS