新关注 > 信息聚合 > 休闲小游戏《宇宙:无尽的太空探险》 与你探寻星..

休闲小游戏《宇宙:无尽的太空探险》 与你探寻星..

Casual game of the universe: endless space exploration "and you explore the star..

2015-07-13 16:52:26来源: 任玩堂

Cosmos – Endless Space Odyssey《宇宙:无尽的太空探险》是一款玩法简单的,考验细腻操作的休闲小游戏,近日已在 App Store 开放免费下载,喜爱休闲游戏的你,绝不容错过。 游戏发生在危机四伏的无尽太空中,玩家需要控制太空飞船躲闪或者破坏迎面而来的各种障碍...

Cosmos - endless space odyssey universe the: endless space exploration" is a simple gameplay, test delicate operation game of leisure, has recently been in the app store open for free download, you favorite casual games. It must not be missed. The game takes place in a perilous endless space, players need to control spacecraft dodge or destruction of the oncoming obstacles...

标签: 游戏