新关注 > 信息聚合 > 梦幻西游手游北曜星官怎么打 北曜星官BOSS击杀攻..

梦幻西游手游北曜星官怎么打 北曜星官BOSS击杀攻..

Fantasy Westward Journey, travel north Yao star officer how to play North Yao Guan Xing boss kill attack..

2015-07-12 18:25:04来源: TechWeb

要说谁是《梦幻西游》手游之中的最难星官BOSS,那就是北曜星官了。看似无害的表面下,她堪称是血债累累,无数强力团队都纷纷倒在了她的裙下。所以今天笔者就来和大家谈谈,如何安全地将其击杀,也许能够给你一些小小的参考。 北曜星官 怪物门派解析 在本场战斗中,我们主要关注的就是2个小星、1...

to say who is the most difficult star officer boss "dream swims on the west" tour, that is North Yao star officer. Seemingly harmless, she is a strong team have have heavy blood debts, many fell under her skirt. So today I will come and talk to you, how to safely kill, and perhaps you can give you some little reference. North Star officer Yao monster martial battle in this analysis, our main concern is the 2 star, 1...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游