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霸气金光闪瞎眼 《小小魔兽》神器盘点

Domineering golden flash blind "it's a small world of Warcraft" artifact inventory

2015-07-13 12:10:02来源: 不凡游戏网

犹记童年,电视剧中大神的武器永远是带着五毛特效的光剑,漫画中珍稀武器也只藏于迷宫深处不易获得,如今网游盛行,这些梦寐以求的装备也变得不再遥远了。热血魔兽ARPG手游《小小魔兽》橙装神器再次现世,特色的优化装备成长路线,助你轻松开荒得壕礼,完成征服艾泽拉斯的壮举! 雷霆之怒,逐风者的祝...

I can still remember childhood, TV drama God of weapon is always with a lightsaber effects, cartoon rare weapons only used in the maze is not easy to obtain, online games are now in vogue, the dream of equipment has become no longer distant. Blood of Warcraft hand ARPG Tour "it's a small world of Warcraft" orange Lord is again a secular, characteristics of optimization equipment growth line, to help you easily open up wasteland to trench ceremony, complete conquest of Azeroth feat. Thunderfury, Thunderfury wish...