新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂公司社长患癌逝世 生前推出多款大热游戏

任天堂公司社长患癌逝世 生前推出多款大热游戏

Nintendo president died of cancer before launch a variety of hot games people

2015-07-13 11:18:26来源: 人民网

资料图:日本任天堂公司社长岩田聪。 中新网7月13日电 据日媒报道,日本任天堂公司本月13日发布消息称,社长岩田聪因胆管肿瘤于当地时间11日凌晨4点47分在京都市一家医院去世,享年55岁。其遗体告别仪式将在当地时间17日下午1点举行。任天堂专务董事竹田玄洋担任葬礼委员长,为其操办后事...

data figure: Nintendo president Satoru Iwata. In new network on July 13, according to Japanese media reports, Japan's Nintendo on the 13th of this month, said in a news release said that President Satoru Iwata due to bile duct tumor in 11 am local time 4 47 in Beijing city a hospital died, at the age of 55. Its remains farewell ceremony will be held at 17 pm local time at 1 pm. Nintendo managing director Takeda Xuanyang served as chairman for the funeral, her funeral...

标签: 游戏 任天堂