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模拟经营手游《英雄制造》 不当英雄当BOSS

Simulation of the operating hand tour "hero" improper hero when BOSS

2015-07-12 18:25:04来源: 4399

江湖上流传了这么一句话“穷人靠变异、富人靠装备”说的正是蜘蛛侠跟蝙蝠侠的区别。但每个超级英雄的成长之路并不简单,我们无缘超级英雄,那就一起来《英雄制造》(Middle Manager of Justice)当英雄们的大BOSS吧! 英雄制造【安卓版下载】 《英雄制造》(Middle ...

rivers and lakes on the spread of such a sentence "the poor rely on variation, rich rely on equipment that is the difference between spider man and Batman. But the growth path of each super hero is not simple, we have no reason to be a super hero, that's a BOSS of Justice (Manager Middle) when the heroes of the big! The hero made [Android version download] "hero" (Middle...

标签: 手游