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人气RPG再现移动平台!《重装机兵 烟火》开启事..

Popular RPG mobile platform! The Zone Troopers fireworks "open things..

2015-07-11 16:57:06来源: 4399

熟悉家用机的玩家一定不会对“重装机兵”这四个字感到陌生,这是一款以改造重型装备为主要玩法的日式RPG游戏。如今重装机兵的手游版《重装机兵 烟火》正式公布。 本作的人设相比主机上的几座来说更加日式,也更符合我们的审美。改造战车是本作的核心玩法。 游戏中的敌人是各式各样奇形怪状的奇葩怪物...

familiar console players will not" Zone Troopers "this four word feel strange, which is a modification of heavy-duty equipment for the main gameplay of the Japanese style RPG game. Today, the hand of the hand of the heavy hand travel version of the heavy machine soldiers fireworks officially announced. The people on the host compared several more Japanese, but also more in line with our aesthetic. Transformation of the chariot is the core of the game play. The game is the enemy of every kind of flower of odd shape...