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饥荒手机版沃尔夫冈怎么样 沃尔夫冈人物属性详解

Famine mobile version of Wolfgang how Wolfgang character attributes explain

2015-07-11 16:18:19来源: 4399

在本文中4399小甲将为大家带来饥荒手机版沃尔夫冈怎么样,沃尔夫冈人物属性详解,饥荒手机版沃尔夫冈个人能力图文攻略解析等内容,下面一起来看下吧。 【个人介绍】 沃尔夫冈,壮汉,是游戏中第三个解锁的角色。男子气概与大男人主义,为他带来了双倍于一般角色的生命值与饱食度,以及额外的力量。 ...

in this paper 4455 Miniclip a will for everyone to bring famine mobile version of Wolfgang how, Wolfgang character attributes explain, famine mobile version of Wolfgang personal ability graphic Raiders analysis content, following with it. [Wolfgang] personal introduction, man, is in the game to unlock the third role. Masculinity and male chauvinism, as he brings double in the role of the general life value and satiation, and extra strength. ...